Days By Arrangement (DBAs)

Days By Arrangement (DBAs) is a unique feature of our BEA-BPS contract.  DBAs were negotiated over 10 years ago as compensation to members when the state increased required hours of instruction. 

BEA members are permitted two self-selected vacations days each year and they can be taken for any reason.  All you need to do is fill out a DBA form available in your building or through HR office.  Note that professional development, parent teacher conference days and the first week of school year are excluded from use as days-by-arrangement. 

If you have any unused DBA's at the end of the school year, you should receive payment in your final June check at the rate of $92 per unused day.

Here is the contract language on Days by Arrangement:

  • Each teacher will have two "days-by-arrangement" that s/he may take during the school year on a first come first serve basis.
  • If a teacher chooses not to take one or both of their “days by arrangement”, he/she shall be paid commensurate with the base substitute pay rate in lieu of taking the “days by arrangement.  Payment shall be made at the end of the school year. 

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