How to Protect Your Rights

Overwhelmed by Work? Are you…

  • Being required to do too many district mandates?
  • Missing planning and/or lunch for PLCs, IEPs, grade level, and other meetings?
  • Attending ½ day PD when you should be with your students?
  • Meeting before and/or after school, beyond staff meetings, without compensation?

What You can do about it!* You have the Right to…

Say, “Thanks, but No Thanks!”

  • Contract language says: “…use of staff meetings, team periods, building-level committees, and common planning opportunities shall comply with the provisions of the master agreement. Specifically with respect to teachers’ preparation/planning time, building administrators shall ensure that the number of their meetings with teachers during such times is reasonable and that the times for such meetings are agreed upon mutually.” (PLC LOU 2008)
  • The Board and the Association shall work cooperatively at the building level to encourage all teachers to accept a share of necessary school-related activities. All such activities for which no compensation is provided shall, however, be entirely voluntary (Class Loads: E).

Planning Time or Renumeration for Lost Plannng Time

  • Contract language says at MS and HS: “At least one (1) preparation period equal to the length of a class period shall be provided daily. (Teaching Hour/Class Load: B)
  • Contract language says at EL: “Each [elementary] teacher will receive 200 minutes of planning time per week…. In addition to the above, each K – 5 teacher assigned to a regular general education classroom will receive an additional seventy (70) minutes planning time per week…elementary teachers of art, instrumental music, vocal music, physical education, media/technology, special education, enrichment, and reading may have no less than 200 and up to a total of up to 270 minutes per week for the purposes of planning.” (Class Load: E)
  • “Teachers who do not receive the full allotment shall receive a stipend of $1,000 to be paid at the end of the school year.” (Teaching Hour/Class Load: E)

Payment for Working Beyond the School Day

  • Contract language says- When attending PD or Curriculum Work: “When the Board compensates a teacher for voluntary attendance at professional development/curriculum activities it shall be at the regular substitute teacher rate [$84 per 1/2 day].”
  • Contract language says- When attending before or after school events/duties: “…teachers may be required to attend two (2) [beyond staff meeting and conferences] evening events per year. If teachers are requested to attend any additional evening [or morning] events for the primary purpose of performing professional duties, and agree to do so, they will receive one-half (1/2) compensation day for each such occurrence, or at the teachers option, one-half (1/2) the professional development/ curriculum development rate [$168 day].”
  • Contract Language says- When engaging in Team Planning: When team planning time is not provide during the school day it …with the prior approval of the building administration….Teachers will be paid Forty Dollars ($40) for a seventy (70) minute period and Twenty Dollars ($20) for a Thirty-five (35) minute period” (Team Period: Middle School/High School).

*Enforce your rights! But if an administrator “directs’ you to perform a duty, the best advise is to comply and then challenge the directive through the BEA grievance procedure. Failure to comply with a reasonable directive can constitute insubordination and may subject you to disciplinary action.


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